Building A New Bathroom? Why You Need To Include Proper Waterproofing

22 March 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


If you're in the process of a bathroom addition and you've decided to forego the waterproofing, you need to rethink that decision. You might not realise this, but improper waterproofing can cause serious damage to your bathroom. Luckily, you can reduce the risk for damage by having your new bathroom waterproofed before you start using the facilities. If you're not sure how waterproofing can protect your bathroom, read the list provided below. You'll find four important ways waterproofing will protect your bathroom. 

Prevent Mould Growth

If you're going to cut corners on the bathroom waterproofing, you can expect to deal with mould growth on a regular basis. Mould needs moisture and warmth for proper growth. Without proper waterproofing, your bathroom will provide the perfect environment for mould. Unfortunately, once mould starts to grow, it can spread quite quickly, which means your bathroom will be filled with green fungus. The best way to prevent mould growth in your new bathroom is to invest in effective waterproofing during the construction phase. 

Stop Water Damage

If you think your bathroom will be protected against water damage, without proper waterproofing, you might be in for a rude awakening. You might not know this, but without the right amount of waterproofing, your bathroom may sustain quite a bit of water damage, especially after prolonged exposure to moisture. Some types of water damage include structural timber rot, pipe corrosion, and cracks in the floors and walls. Waterproofing your bathroom during the construction process will help to reduce the risk of water damage. 

Increase Insulation

If your bathroom will have at least one exterior-facing wall, you need to think about insulation. One of the problems with exterior-facing walls is that they can be affected by outside temperatures. If your bathroom isn't properly insulated, you are left to deal with weather-related temperature variations. Unfortunately, that means your bathroom might be too hot during the summer, and too cold during the winter. Waterproofing can help with temperature issues. That's because waterproofing can act as insulation, especially when installed properly. 

Protect Wiring

Finally, if you want to ensure maximum protection against electrical problems in the bathroom, especially injuries, now's the time to talk to your contractor about waterproofing. When your bathroom is completed, it will have electrical wiring running throughout the walls. This includes wiring to the light switches, power outlets, and light fixtures. Without proper waterproofing, water could leak into those electrical outlets, causing serious harm to you and your family. Luckily, you can prevent electrical emergencies, and protect your family, by waterproofing your new bathroom.

For more information on waterproofing, contact a company near you.