Is your development right for that area?

31 January 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


When you are looking for somewhere to live, the size and quality of the property will be important, but in many situations, the suitability of the surrounding area will be equally important. If you are involved in building or redesigning a neighbourhood, understanding the value of town planning and why people choose to live where they do will be essential to the success of your project.

What makes a great neighbourhood?

The needs of each people group can be different, but their needs still fall into the same general categories. Broadly, we can say that a good neighbourhood will need housing, employment opportunities, retail outlets, and leisure activities or community spaces. Of course, not every area will include everything, and you may be involved in one type of development in a wider area. Working with a town planning consultant can help you define how your development will fit into the wider area.

What is your target demographic?

During the early planning stages of any development, you must decide who will live there or use that space. Housing, leisure and even shopping needs vary greatly depending on whom you expect to move into the neighbourhood. If you don't get the mix of facilities right, you risk having units that stand empty for years because no one wants to move in. Not many people will choose to live somewhere that forces them to travel whenever they want to buy something or take a walk in the park.

Housing needs

If you want families to move into a neighbourhood, you may want to include homes with an outdoor space for children to play safely. If you are targeting retired couples, smaller homes that are easy to clean would be a good choice. Single professionals may prefer elegant single-bedroom apartments.   


Shopping and leisure

A supermarket will provide most of the food for every family, but what about clothes or furniture? Where will your residents turn when they want to buy an elegant dress or a business suit? Older residents will have very different ideas about how to spend their leisure hours than teenagers or parents entertaining young children. Should you include a bingo hall or a nightclub? Your town planning consultant can ensure you make consistent choices.

For your proposed development to be approved, it will need the support of the local authorities. A town planning consultant can increase the likelihood that your plans will be improved. They can determine whether the plans are viable in that area. They can speak at local meetings, address residents' concerns and ensure local support. They can deal with any concerns expressed by the planning department and guide your plans through every stage of the planning process.

For more information on the importance of town planning, contact a professional near you.